About the Animals
The Raccoon
- nocturnal creatures
- lengths can range from 26 to 38 inches long with 8-12 inch tails
- weighs from 8 to 25 pounds for males; 7 to 18 pounds for females
- omnivores eating both plant and animal matter
- gestation period of 63 days
- one litter a year consisting of 1 to 8 young, usually February through to April
- extremely agile climbers with considerable strength
How Raccoons Affect the Home & Landowner:
- Raccoons can be very destructive to: roof vents, valleys and edges, shingels, chimneys,
soffits, fascias, garage doors, sheds, decks and porches, as they try to gain entry
- Lawns, pools, patios, garbage cans and boxes, can be defaced in an attempt to search for food
Where we come in: Technisques Used
One way doors
Hands on removal
Exclusion work
Live trapping
The Skunk
- nocturnal creatures
- measure 20 to 30 inches long including their tail
- weigh 6 to 10 pounds
- omnivores eating both plant and animal matter
- one litter a year consisting of 1 to 10 young born around May to July
- spray accurately up to 15 feet
- ground dwellers and excellent diggers
How Skunks Affect the Home & Landowner:
- Make a home buy burrowing below decks, porches, buildings, woodpiles, and pools
- Can spray a noxious odor onto persons or property
- Can fall into window wells and become trapped
Where we come in: Technisques Used
One way doors
Hands on removal
Exclusion work
Live trapping
The Squirrel
- members of the rodent family
- weigh from a 1/2 pound to 1-1/2 pounds
- active during daylight hours
- Diet consists of seeds, keys, nuts, fungus, bark and buds
- two litters per year of 1 to 6 young throughout the spring and late summer
- tree dwellers
How Squirrels Affect the Home & Landowner:
- Have teeth that are always growing, they chew easily through wood surfaces
- Have been known to chew through electrical and cable wires
- Can also chew through aluminum
- Will enter through: roof vents, roof edge, wall vents, chimneys, soffits and fascias
Where we come in: Technisques Used
One way doors
Hands on removal
Exclusion work
Live trapping